Painting has many differnt styles too it. You have water color, oil, acrylic, air bruch, Ect. My goal for this page is to explain the differnts between the paintings and styles. Hope You learn somthing new and see some new art.
Oil Paintings
Oil painting is the process of painting, with dry oils or damp oils. These paints are made up of many oils some compined and some soild. These are some of the most common oils used today; walnut, poppyseed, linseed, safflower oils. The choice of oil depends on what type of style you like and yellowing/drying time. Some oils, you can also see them in sheer paints. Artest might use many differnt types of oil paints in one painting. This is because the differnet textures the different types of oils give off. Theses paints are some of the oldest paints in the world. These were used to paint landscapes and portiats.The reasoning behind using oil is because of the glow and differnt affects due to the oils hitting the canvas.

Water painting
Water colour, which is latin for water of pigment. This type of paint refers to the styles medium and the resulting artwork. With water color you will need a a certian type of paper, this paper is mostly cotton because cotton will absorb the colors better then regular paper. Water color art is mostly for Light and colorful art peices. But in some cases the artist will change things up and make a bold and dark peice. Shown below is to types of water color. 1) dark and bold 2) soft and colorful.
Acrylic painting
Acrlyic paint is the most common paint out on the mark. The reason is because they work well with other paints and are water proof when completely dried. These paints can be used for any types of part bold, light , dark , and colorful.

Air brush painting
An airbrush is a small, air-operated tool that sprays various media, most often paint but also ink and dye, by a process of nebulization. Spray painting developed from the airbrush and is considered to employ a type of airbrush.